Talent Works When Talent Works

My husband and I have always had a bit of of sonic war going on in our home. I tend toward jazz, musicals and music – capital ‘M’, ahem – whereas John puts on heavy metal every time I turn around. Whether our eleven-year-old is getting a well-rounded music education...

Finding Your Passion

In my work, I am surrounded by people who rarely—if ever—have asked themselves: ‘what am I passionate about?’ From the time most of them were little, they knew what they wanted to do. Singing, dancing, and acting were in their blood, and still is. I remember having...
Life Is Good

Life Is Good

I’ve recently had the most wonderful series of days. Brunch at a colleague’s new home, an afternoon at a friend’s lovely winery, and a week on the water with my marvelous husband. During times like this, I am particularly mindful of and moved by how blessed I am and...

The Need for Really Difficult Conversations

In addition to coaching and counseling, I do a good bit of public speaking. It brings me so much pleasure and joy to support people in transforming their mindsets and environments. And ultimately, their lives. And so I was particularly humbled and honored to read this...

Interview on Creativity and Parenting

I recently was interviewed by FamilyApp about my career, creativity, counseling, and parenting. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did! Vocal Beginnings When did you first want to be a singer?  Apparently, I was singing long before I can remember....
The Truth About Creative Expression

The Truth About Creative Expression

I was recently interviewed on John Henry Sheridan’s podcast about creative expression, including whether I thought it was imperative for a well-lived life. I do. But I don’t necessarily think of it in the usual way. I’d venture that what comes to mind for most of us...
Achieving Personal Peace and Vocal Freedom

Achieving Personal Peace and Vocal Freedom

When I was younger, I tried to find peace by being “not anxious.” Rising in the morning, I would check in with myself and breathe a sigh of relief when anxiety was at bay, marveling at its absence. But, soon, I would feel the tingles of anxiety’s...

Vocal Issues #4: Acid Reflux and Mindset

I receive many emails each week, but none so frequently– and impassioned– as those about acid reflux. It is an increasingly problematic issue for singers, rearing its head at the worst, and often most important times in our careers. I’ve written articles about reflux...

About My Practice

I was recently interviewed by a counseling graduate student at New York University about my work and, specifically, the therapeutic aspects of my practice. I hope you find our conversation interesting.   Please describe the work that you do and the setting in...

Managing Performance Anxiety

I was speaking with a client yesterday about her desire to overcome the performance anxiety she feels before speaking in public and presenting workshops. As a well-known art therapist, she feels particularly frustrated and even embarrassed that she—someone who focuses...

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