Real Stories from Real Clients

Meet a few of the incredible men and women I’ve had the honor of working with.

“Jennifer is a true master when it comes to singing, and the only person I trust with my voice.”

Lee Ann Womack

Grammy Award Winning Vocalist

“Within the first coaching with Jennifer, I developed a more comfortable approach to singing that sounded much closer to my natural voice that I unconsciously use every day in conversation. After a performance less than a week later heard by strangers and friends alike, I received consistent observations attesting to my increased ‘resonance’ and overall expression.”

Mike Block

Juilliard School of Music, Grammy Award Winner, Silkroad Ensemble

“I love Jennifer Hamady. She’s inspiring to be around personally, and she offers mega-doses of motivation professionally. In a phrase? Jennifer helps people “find their voices” in every sense of that expression. In a world today that serves isolated and individual aspects of holistic problems, Jennifer addresses “The Voice” – technical, physical, expressive, and spiritual- as one entity. There’s no other way to say it… she truly is The Voice Whisperer.”
Karen Salmahnson

Best Selling Author

“Jennifer Hamady’s The Art of Singing is an incredible book. I’ve read it twice!”
Dr. Daniel Levitin

Author of This Is Your Brain on Music

“It has been said that there is no better way to serve and nourish the magnificence in another person than to listen open-heartedly and without judgement, which Jennifer coaches and models beautifully. With clarity, laser articulation, and curiosity, her deep and genuine presence – along with her expertise in “holding the space” – provided an access for our team to a new experience of their potential in achieving business results. .”
Richard Strilowich

Executive IT Project / Program Manager, Coaching Community of Practice, IBM

“I am so thankful for all of the tools you’ve given me. I appreciate you so deeply!”

Lindsay Joan

Broadway Singer, Kinky Boots, The Heart of Rock and Roll, 'The Voice'

“I can’t recommend Jennifer Hamady highly enough. As promised by my colleague who referred her, she managed to get to the heart of my problem in barely two sessions and gave me a way forward that has already proven incredibly effective in my relationships and leading.”
Vincent Ogutu

Vice Dean, Executive Education, Strathmore Business School, Kenya

“Jennifer Hamady is insightful, warm, and knowledgeable about all things singing, performance, and human. She is, by far, one of the most precious commodities around for anyone in the performing arts industry.”

– Laurie Wells, Broadway singer/actress, Trip of Love and Mamma Mia!

“Jennifer is one of the most affirmative people I have ever met and so empowering and ennobling as a singer, as a teacher, and a person.”

– Jonathan Doyel, Voice Faculty, Clemson University

“I have found my voice with Jennifer; a natural, healthy voice that was buried under years of bad habits, muscle tension, faulty technique, unhelpful definitions of singing, and negative experiences.”
Vivian Williams

Founder, Harlem Wellness Center, New York City

“I can honestly say that I learned more from Jennifer in two weeks than from anyone else in my career as a singer and performer. I consider myself very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with her.”
Chad Oliver

Singer, Cirque du Soleil

“I’m a piano player, composer and– since I met Jennifer– I can say I am a singer also. Jennifer is not just an amazing vocal coach. She’s also psychologically a very sensitive person. She’ll help you find out why you’re not sure of yourself… and really help you to move on. Thank god we have FaceTime so I can continue to work with her!”

– Kate Safronova, Moscow, Russia

“Expressing myself with freedom, confidence and joy had been on my bucket list for decades. From working with Jennifer, I learned it is possible.”
Mindy Goodfriend

President, Cool and Useful Products Entrepreneur and growth leader; Chapter Chair, Women Presidents’ Organization

“Amazing and transformational – our young women loved working with Jennifer and have begged me to bring her back. Thank you so much!”
Joel Sohn

Director of Equity & Inclusion, Episcopal High School

“Jennifer is an incredible person and knows how to get to the core of performance psychology.”

– Riana Nelson, Artist and Singer, Seattle 

“I learned great technical advice on how to really focus my mind while performing”

– Lee Lamb, Conductor, United States Army Band

“Working with Jennifer has been such a blessing. She opened up my voice in so many ways and taught me truly incredible techniques. I not only had fun working with her, but my voice is stronger and I am by far a much better singer and speaker. Thank you, Jennifer!”
McKenzie Westmore

Television Star, Host of Face-Off

“I am so blessed to have worked with Jennifer. Within the first lesson, she transformed the way I approached singing and the way I approached music.”
Gurpreet Sarin

American Idol Contestant, Season 12

“Jennifer Hamady is one in a million find. We are talking about a brilliant and truly special person.”
Dr. James Fallon

Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobiology, University of California, Irvine

“Jennifer reminded me of why I loved to sing in the first place. I’ll never forget how she is able to communicate the practical biological aspects of fear and how it affects the sounds that we make.”

–  Noel Veihmeyer, Voice Coach, Washington DC

“What makes Jennifer’s program different than others is that she puts you in charge of uncovering your voice. It’s up to you to become curious about how you make sound when you speak and how you sing and how to bring all that information together to make a voice that is strong and relaxed.”

– Andrew Kitzman, Singer and Songwriter

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  • For expressing early interest, we’ll send you the the first chapter of “The Art of Singing Onstage and in the Studio” as well as three free articles that will help you to tap into your best voice and self.

“I love Jennifer’s workshops, I simply adore them! I have taken four, and each time I come away with a unique, powerful and life-changing experience. I am learning to have more courage, to show up in an authentic way with my authentic voice unafraid.  I now know that the voice heals, and that when I open up to the experience, I triumph over the physical, emotional, and psychological issues that limit me.  Brava, Jennifer!  Keep delivering your very successful and important work.”
Shirley Moulton

Founder, The Academi of Life

“Jennifer has changed my view on singing, changed me as person, and as a vocal coach! I am really grateful for Jennifer and her work on the psychology behind singing.”

Daisy De Boevere, Vocal Coach, Belgium

“Jennifer’s voice lessons are not just about technical techniques, but about who you are as a person and discovering your truest, freest voice. She helped me sound like the best version of myself.”

– Eva Richards, Singer/Actress

“Some people believe it takes a lifetime to become enlightened, but I now believe it happens every time you become present and aware. By applying what Jennifer taught not only technically, but also philosophically, it feels like it happened that easily. Her every word is a beacon.”
Dominick Cicco

Tenor, NYC

“Jennifer is an expert in her field. She has a knack for figuring out how people tick and uses it to help people get the most out of their voices.”

– Paul Crick, Founder, The Elevate Partnership, UK

“As far as I can tell, Jennifer is the best voice coach in the world. None of my professors at Berkeley College of Music could have helped me at the deep level as Jennifer could.”

Melissa Guttman, Music Therapist, Berklee College of Music

“Working with Jennifer was a treat each and every time. Yes, she was my singing coaching for my performances at the Apollo theatre and beyond, but she was also ready and willing to go much deeper with what I needed emotionally to access my most authentic singing voice. She is a blessing and it was an honor to work with her.”
Ericka Hart

Performer and Educator

Interested In a Coaching Session?

Let’s empower you to trust your voice and explore singing the way it is meant to be.

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