Frequently Asked Questions

About Jennifer

I see that you’re a voice coach, performance consultant, and a therapist. What do you do, exactly?

For Singers, Performers and Public Speakers: Vocal, performance, and emotional issues are almost always linked together, often without our realization. One of the most important– and enjoyable parts– of my work, therefore, is my ability to look holistically at people, thanks to my work and training as a singer and performer, vocal coach and teacher, and therapist. Each client brings unique issues and challenges to our time together, and I draw from all three of my backgrounds as we address and resolve your concerns. You can learn more about my practice and approach on the Meet Jennifer Page and on American University’s Voice Faculty website.

For Those Interested in Counseling: Given the nature of my work, clients often also want to address the root causes of their performance and personal anxieties–as well as issues related to self-worth, self-expression, and communication– which we explore in therapeutic sessions. Click Here and Here to learn more information about counseling, my licensure and how we might work together in this capacity.

For Writers: I also love my work with authors and writers, supporting them in giving voice to their creations. I am on the faculty of The Writer’s Center in Washington DC, and conduct workshops there and elsewhere on, and entitled, Public Speaking Fundamentals and Reading Your Work Out Loud.

For Corporations: I frequently bring my experience to the corporate realm in workshops, keynote addresses, master classes, retreats and private coachings. My clients are from many organizations across an array of industries, including Google, IDEO, IBM, Merck, The American Bar Association, Kripalu, Psychotherapy Networker Symposium, Wells Fargo, The New York Open Center, American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, and others. Please Click Here to learn more and begin a conversation about how I can support your organization and team.

Which of your books should I read first?

My first book, The Art of Singing, is a great place to start. It describes my method and lays the foundation for the work I do with all of my clients. I not only address the basic fundamentals of how to physically release tension and develop your singing and speaking voice – there is a CD of exercises and explanations included – but as well, how to overcome the fears and misconceptions that hinder your best singing and self-expression.

For singers, equally important is knowing how to sing onstage and in the studio. Many fantastic vocalists falter in their performances and even careers because they’re unable to navigate headphones, microphones, and communication with their technical teams. The Art of Singing Onstage and in the Studio picks up where The Art of Singing ends, tackling these important issues – the psychology, relationships and technology you must understand when it comes to performing and recording. Non-singers also benefit from this book, as the first two sections focus on the relationships we have with our voices and the people in our lives.

Learning to Sing takes a closer look at the psychology and neuroscience of my approach, based on my graduate work in the area. It’s a quick, helpful read that many of my academically minded clients really appreciate.

I am currently working on my fourth book, about creative and self-expression for everyone, to be released in 2024. Please join my mailing list for updates.

What’s the story behind The Art of Singing book titles and artwork?

For me, singing and music making first and foremost are about joy and self-expression. Surely, technique, practice, and discipline are involved. But at the core, singing is about soul. It is about connection, and heart. It is an art.

This focus was front and center as I wrote both books. And I thought, what better way to visually capture this sentiment than to have beautiful paintings grace the covers?

The first time I met Randy Hasson, I knew two things. That we’d become dear friends, and that his gorgeous blending of language, calligraphy, and images would best bring The Art of Singing to life. Yet I could never know how perfectly he’d capture the soul and essence of the book. His cover is a gorgeous incorporation of words and phrases from the manuscript, sheet music of my own songs, and paintings of pictures he took of me when I was performing in California at the time. I’ll never forget when I first saw the finished product… I was so honored and blown away by how well he captured the spirit and beauty of what I hoped to convey in the book.

When it came time to write The Art of Singing Onstage and in the Studio, I knew my good friend Rachel Kice was the perfect person to illustrate it. In fact, I told her so before I wrote a word! Her gorgeous art is more modern and abstract, and I knew these qualities would best fit with the often complex issues of technology and relationships in performing and recording. And sure enough, Rachel blew me away with something that perfectly captures the content of the book, as well as the joys of singing and collaboration.

I’m forever grateful to my two friends. You can learn more about them and their work on their websites:

Randy Hasson:

Rachel Kice:


Do you sell signed copies of your books?

Absolutely! Click Here to send a request for which books you would like to purchase, the shipping address, and if you would like a personalized note.

Who are your clients? Am I the right fit?

My clients run the gamut, from Broadway singers, actors and recording artists, to corporate executives, creative professionals, and students. While I use a variety of approaches based upon each person’s specific issues, concerns, and personalities, my work– with all of my clients– is fundamentally about one thing: Helping you to overcome the emotional, communicative, and physical blocks that get in the way of your self-expression.

Here are some specific issues my clients and I most commonly address together. Feel free to touch base if you have any additional questions about your specific needs and interests.

Performance Expression:

  • Singers troubleshooting vocal issues, maximizing range, improving sound, developing power, and resolving physical and emotional tensions.
  • Artists discovering and showcasing their unique vocal strengths, style, and delivery.
  • Dancers and actors optimizing their vocal potential, gaining confidence, and nurturing vocal and performance conviction.
  • Songwriters expanding their melodic choices and learning how to most effectively construct and convey their material.
  • Performers and others overcoming stage fright and increasing effectiveness and authenticity onstage.

*While the majority of my vocal clients are commercial (pop, jazz, R&B, country) and musical theater singers, I often work with classical singers as well, particularly to help them create a more commercial sound, to blend their sound choices more fluidly, to sing with more ease and power, to facilitate higher notes, and to release tension and strain.

Professional Expression:

  • Speakers becoming more powerful and comfortable in their presentations.
  • Executives communicating more effectively and authentically.
  • Professionals understanding and overcoming performance anxiety.
  • Women and men learning about and transcending issues with tone, presentation, and other vocal habits that disempower them.
  • Employees connecting more richly with others and their work, and advancing more rapidly in their careers.
  • Human Resources Departments seeking counsel on communication, delivery, and/or relational issues with personnel.
  • Those in creative fields searching to find their niche, hone their message, and gain comfort and sincerity in communicating their message with their audience.

Personal Issues / Communication / Counseling:

  • Men and women wanting to feel more comfortable in their skin, more authentic and alive in their relationships, and more confident in communicating and connecting with the people in their lives.
  • Those longing for more closeness, connection, and understanding in their interpersonal dynamics.
  • Students and others searching for purpose, sense of self, and identity.
  • Those eager to create goals, a course of action, and accountability in their projects and lives.
  • People wanting to have their voices and communication more accurately reflect who they are and how they feel.

Working With Jennifer

What does a session look like? What do we work on?
No two sessions are alike. In every case, I allow you to lead, while ensuring that we stay on track and gently guiding you where we both want you to go. Our time together will be a blend of talking, voice work, and emotional investigation, always with a sense of levity and play. While our work is confidential, and you are always in a safe space, I never hesitate to challenge you to look more closely, go more deeply, tackle the big (and sometimes scary questions), and grow.
Should I read your books and articles before we work together?

You certainly don’t need to, but I think it’s a great idea to at least read The Art of Singing, and if you’re a singer, The Art of Singing Onstage and in the Studio as well. They will introduce you to many of the concepts we’ll be exploring together in our private sessions, saving you time and money, and giving you a chance to internalize the information. My articles on Performance Anxiety, Talent, American Idol, and Marketing are popular and get to the heart of my approach as well (you can find all of my articles here).

How should I prepare for our time together, and what should I bring?

As I tell everyone I work with, the most important thing you can bring with you is an open mind. Whether you’re in a perfect mood or in perfect voice doesn’t matter; I know what I’m looking and listening for beyond appearances. Come as you are and we’ll hone in on what’s going on and how to get you where you want to go.

Singers, it’s a good idea to prepare material from your projects, and for those not currently working on something specific, two songs – one that you love and sing easily and well, and another that challenges you. For those with presentations or speeches on the horizon, bring those with you.

What do you charge?

We’re all different and have our own best ways of working and learning. I’m therefore incredibly flexible when it comes to how we can partner in helping you achieve your goals. In person and online (Zoom, Skype and FaceTime), pricing for the most common scheduling for individuals is as follows (please contact me for Corporate and Agency Rates):

Sessions (1 hour / 90 minutes)
$200 / $290

Package of 5 Sessions (1 hour / 90 minutes)
$975 / $1,400

Package of 10 Sessions (1 hour / 90 minutes)
$1900 / $2,750

Email Coaching

Quick Consults (By Phone – 30 minutes) 

You are welcome to try single session or two, and if you’d like to purchase a package, apply the amount you’ve already paid to the package price.

For those of you interested in working more intensively– a common option for those traveling to work with me or preparing for a specific engagement– I offer half-day, whole day, and weekend packages in Washington DC and New York City. I love this way of working together… it is intense, intimate, and incredibly effective. My rates for these intensives vary, depending on specifics. I am also available, on an occasional basis, to travel to you. Please contact me to discuss what will work best for you.

Do you offer a sliding scale?

I do, based on an honor system, for those who would otherwise not be able to afford my coaching and counseling services. Please contact me to discuss your circumstances and to find a way for us to work together.

Some great options for those on a budget are email coaching, online master classes, Writer’s Center workshops, and Free Quarterly Q&A sessions. My books are also great resources; they lay the foundation for the work we do in my in-person coaching and in my workshops. I’ve also written various articles that will help you on your journey that you can read here on the site.

Do you accept insurance?

While I don’t work directly with insurance providers, you are welcome to submit receipts for counseling services to your insurance provider for out-of-network reumbursement.

Other than a session or package, is there a way we can talk or work together?

Thanks to client requests over the years, I’m excited to offer consultations over email. Whether you would like feedback on your singing and songs, or to touch base about personal or professional concerns, email is a great, cost-effective way to begin our journey together. Click here to learn more and to see if our working together this way may be a good fit for you. My rate for this service is 59US for a comprehensive reading/listening and up to two responses.

Similarly, I offer 30-minute phone or video consultations for those who would like to see if we are a good fit, or have a quick question or simple issue they’d like some feedback on. My rate for this service is 99US. 

You can also visit my schedule to see my upcoming Online and Live events or contact me to set up an event for your school or organization.

Last but not least, I have 4 Online Voice and Performance Master Classes in 2023. They’re only $40 a class… a super affordable way for us to work together. Not to mention, these afternoons are pure magic. I hope to see you there!


I don’t live on the East Coast / in the US. Can we still work together?

Absolutely! My clients are all over the world, and thanks to Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, etc., we are able to connect as if we were in the same room.

Another option is to travel to work with me in Washington DC or New York City. For out of town clients – and those with recording, touring and other performance projects on the horizon, or anyone who enjoys working more intensively – I’m happy to arrange half-day, full day, and weekend sessions. These are some of my favorite ways to work with you, as we’re not constrained by time and can relax, connect, and delve deeply into your issues and more rapidly achieve what you want to accomplish.

There are a few instances where working in person is superior to working online – for example, if you want to run songs with an accompanist. In these cases, it’s best (and likely more cost effective) to hire someone locally, and then you and I can work together to troubleshoot any issues that might come up.

What kind of computer and technology do I need for online sessions?

It’s less critical to have a specific type of computer, tablet, or phone for our work together, and more important that you have a reliable and very fast internet connection. I prefer working over Zoom but also use Skype and FaceTime.

I’m a teacher and want to learn more about bringing your ideas to my students. Do you offer teacher trainings?

I often work with voice teachers and coaches to help them bring The Art of Singing to life in their own studios. Most teachers choose to book a package of 5 or 10 sessions, during which we explore your own instrument and teaching strengths, empower you with new knowledge and tools, and teach you to lead through listening. Your students hold the key to unlocking their best voices; I will show you how to share your wisdom and passion with others in a way that brings out their very best.

Thanks to your many requests, I am also currently in the process of creating a comprehensive teacher training program. Please sign up for my newsletter and you’ll receive a note as soon as it’s ready to go.

And join me for live and online Master Classes to watch me work with singers one-on-one, as well as to ask any questions you may have from a teaching perspective.

Scheduling a Session

How do I schedule a session?

Once you’ve had a look through the site and coaching options, please contact me with some ideal days and times for you, as well as what you’d like to accomplish and a bit about your background. Once we schedule our first meeting, you’ll receive an invoice through PayPal prior to our getting together.

If I want to schedule an intensive day or weekend with you, or talk with you about having you come to present a masterclass or workshop for my school or organization, what should I do?
Please contact me to discuss your specific needs and ideas, and we’ll go from there.
If after reading through the site I still have questions about our working together, what should I do?

Please contact me to arrange for a Quick Consult over Skype or FaceTime (99US). Many find this to be a great way to have their questions answers and their specific needs considered before scheduling a session. I look forward to speaking with you.

Still Need Help? Send Us A Note!

For any other questions, please write us at Info@FindingYourVoice.Com

Interested In a Coaching Session?

Let’s empower you to trust your voice and explore singing the way it is meant to be.

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