Interview on Creativity and Parenting

I recently was interviewed by FamilyApp about my career, creativity, counseling, and parenting. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did! Vocal Beginnings When did you first want to be a singer?  Apparently, I was singing long before I can remember....

Vocal Monogamy

Vocalists—and artists of every kind—are in a ménage à trois of sorts. There’s us, and our voices… … and then there is that voice. You know the one I am talking about. The critical know-it-all in our heads that is quick to criticize; the perfectionist and control freak...

Practical Tips on Performing: Pitch

  Recently, a voice teacher in China and I had a great conversation about three specific issues in her studio. In my last piece, I shared my thoughts and suggestions about Phrasing. Here, we’ll look at the second challenge a number of her singers, and so many of...
Practical Tips on Performing: Phrasing

Practical Tips on Performing: Phrasing

Recently, I was asked some great questions by a voice teacher and vocalist in China. After our session, I thought about the relevance of her young student’s issues for singers the world over and asked if she wouldn’t mind my sharing my ideas and exercise suggestions...

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