I was recently interviewed by a counseling graduate student at New York University about my work and, specifically, the therapeutic aspects of my practice. I hope you find our conversation interesting.


Please describe the work that you do and the setting in which you do it. For example: Who are your clients?

I am a therapist, as well as a voice and performance coach, in private practice. I work with a range of clients, including professional performers and speakers, corporate executives, creative types, and others on the technical and emotional issues that interfere with self-expression and communication.

What is your theoretical orientation with these clients?

Given that my therapeutic works extends into the performance realm, the best way to describe my theoretical orientation is eclectic. A bit more specifically, I’d add that I tend toward the cognitive behavioral, psychodynamic, exposure therapy, and the ontological.

What do you see as the pluses and minuses of your current position?

I love my work and happily, find few minuses. I do find that working one-on-one in private practice doesn’t allow for clients to be in community with others, which is an important part of both therapeutic and performance work. I handle this by giving voice and performance master classes, as well as public speaking and expression workshops, at least 8 times a year so that people can bring their learning– and concerns and fears– to a group and work through those issues in public and with others.

What do you see as the pluses and minuses of the field of mental health counseling?
This is an interesting question and my answer relates to my previous point. Our issues– even if they seem to be personal and internal– exist, as we do, in the world and in community. Working one-on-one, while helpful to a point, doesn’t allow for those issues to be explored and resolved in relationship. For example, one member of a marriage working in therapy may be helpful. But only by welcoming both partners into conversation will a) issues be fully and accurately addressed and as importantly b) the two learn how to better address those issues together. Couples, Marriage, Family, and Group therapy can be terrific interventions in this way. I’d love to see them used more frequently and perhaps necessarily in conjunction with personal therapy. The same is true for performance related issues, such as performance anxiety; being alone in practice, and in our heads, does little to resolve the fears and anxieties that arise specifically when we’re with, and performing in front of, other people.
Where do you see as your work trajectory?
In addition to my private practice, I write books and articles on the psychology of performing and creative and self-expression issues. I enjoy this work, as I enjoy giving lectures, master classes and keynote addresses on these topics. I’m very content in my work, and look forward to continuing down these avenues– I’m working on my fourth book currently– as well as in my private practice.

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