Finding Your Passion

In my work, I am surrounded by people who rarely—if ever—have asked themselves: ‘what am I passionate about?’ From the time most of them were little, they knew what they wanted to do. Singing, dancing, and acting were in their blood, and still is. I remember having...
Achieving Personal Peace and Vocal Freedom

Achieving Personal Peace and Vocal Freedom

When I was younger, I tried to find peace by being “not anxious.” Rising in the morning, I would check in with myself and breathe a sigh of relief when anxiety was at bay, marveling at its absence. But, soon, I would feel the tingles of anxiety’s...

Managing Performance Anxiety

I was speaking with a client yesterday about her desire to overcome the performance anxiety she feels before speaking in public and presenting workshops. As a well-known art therapist, she feels particularly frustrated and even embarrassed that she—someone who focuses...

Vocal Monogamy

Vocalists—and artists of every kind—are in a ménage à trois of sorts. There’s us, and our voices… … and then there is that voice. You know the one I am talking about. The critical know-it-all in our heads that is quick to criticize; the perfectionist and control freak...
Dealing With and Healing a Vocal Injury

Dealing With and Healing a Vocal Injury

A month ago, I got a call from a client I hadn’t seen in a couple of years. A lot had changed in her life since then, including that she’d recently sustained a vocal injury. Even though Marjorie had just been given the all-clear for us to work together, it wasn’t...

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